Brew Guide: Moka Pot
Prep Time: 3 mins | Brew Time: 3-4 mins | Cups: 2-3
Looking for a deliciously smooth, rich cup of coffee in the mornings? The moka pot is a great tool for exactly that!
A traditional Italian brewing method, it makes coffee quickly by moving pressurised boiling water through ground coffee from the bottom chamber to the top in only a few minutes, and you’ll have your house smelling of freshly brewed coffee in the process!
What you need:
Medium-fine ground Wylie’s Coffee (recommend: Founders Brew or Santa Ana)
Moka Pot
1.Boil your kettle and leave to sit for a minute once boiled.
2.Fill the bottom chamber of your moka pot with the hot water to just below the valve.
TIP: Using hot water means the brewing process starts immediately - otherwise, while the water is heating, the hot metal of the stovetop causes the flavour of the coffee to escape as vapour.
3.Fill your stovetop’s coffee chamber with medium-fine ground Wylie’s Coffee and level the coffee off without pressing it down.
4.Drop the coffee chamber back into the stovetop and screw the top and bottom of the moka pot back together.
TIP 2: use a tea towel when putting the moka pot back together to avoid burning your hands.
5.Put the moka pot on the hob on a high heat.
6.Turn the hob off when you can hear the coffee start to bubble out into the top chamber. Leave for a few minutes while the residual steam pressure pushes enough water through to brew the rest of the coffee.
Serve and enjoy!