Brew Guide: Cafetière

Prep Time: 2-3 mins | Brew Time: 4 mins | Cups: 2-3

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The cafetière is a classic technique that offers a simple way to brew filter coffee. As one of our favourites, we wanted to share with you this fail-safe method to brewing a delicious morning coffee. 

 Like any filter brewer, ensuring you have the right coffee grind is key to the best tasting cup so we recommend a coarse grind.

What you need:

30g (8 heaped tsp) coarse ground Wylie’s Coffee (recommend: Founders Brew)

500ml hot water




1. Put your water on to boil. 

2. Add all of your coffee grounds to the cafetière. (30g / 8 heaped tsp)

3. Once boiled, add 500ml of water, stirring to ensure that all of the grounds are wet.

4. Place the plunger of the cafetière on top but don’t push down yet. Brew for 4 minutes. 

5. After 4 minutes, gently press the plunger all the way down.

6. Gently pour your coffee and enjoy!

Optional: If any coffee is remaining in the cafetière, transfer this to a separate cup. This stops the brewing process, so the remaining coffee won’t become bitter.


Wylie’s Weekender #01


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