Brew Guide: AeroPress

Prep Time: 5 mins | Brew Time: 1 mins | Cups: 1

A firm favourite, the Aeropress is a brilliant option for on the go brewing. Fun fact: it was created by the inventor of the frisbee.

There are a few ways to use the Aeropress, but we will be taking you through the inverted method which we believe yields the best results in the cup. By allowing all the grounds to be immersed in water you’ll get a consistent coffee each time.

What you need:

16g medium-fine ground Wylie’s Coffee (recommend: Imbuto or Huabal

500ml hot water, plus more to rinse the paper filter

Aeropress (including scoop and paddle)

Aeropress filter paper

Optional: timer



1. Put your water on to boil and leave to cool slightly.

2. Insert the plunger (the inner chamber of your Aeropress) into the outer tube, making sure the black seal is in line with the number 4. Stand it up so the number 4 is closest to the table.

3. Using the included scoop, add your coffee to the chamber (approx 16g).

4. Fill the chamber with the boiled water, stopping just as it reaches the bottom of the number 1.

5. Stir 5 times with the paddle and leave to brew for 1 minute.

6. Prepare your filter paper by putting it in the filter holder and pouring hot water through to rinse it. Doing this makes sure the paper doesn’t impact the flavour of the coffee at all.

7. Screw the filter holder onto your Aeropress.

8. After the grounds have brewed for 1 minute, place your mug upside down on top and carefully flip the Aeropress and mug to standing.

9. Carefully push the inner chamber down to push through the coffee.



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Wylie’s Weekender #07